
Building Her Story: A short film about women in construction

Several members of our team were recently involved in the making of a short film entitled #BuildingHerStory. This project captures the experiences of twenty women working within the construction industry, bringing to light first-hand accounts and personal experiences through a series of interviews.

Associate Anna Ifanti and Senior Architect Krista Evans talk about their individual experiences with gender equality in the industry and highlight what they would like to see happen in the future for women in construction.

As part of a female collective, this project was created to look at aspects such as balancing a predominantly male industry, inclusion of ethno-cultural diversity, approaches to push for more innovation and an overall moulding of an industry that is representative of the population it serves.

Krista Evans discusses the learning curve of having to manage meetings dominated by senior males as a young female in the industry.

Anna Ifanti said: “I wouldn’t want to see our industry focused on one gender, but I would like to see a lot more parity and I think women have an awful lot to contribute on many levels – from academic to holding key positions in the industry that was traditionally male dominated.” See the full film.
