Bankside Studios
Location Southwark, London
Client Manhattan Loft Corporation
Content 5,300m² Office
Status Built
Bankside Studios unifies three existing buildings over a continuous stone base, with its main design feature being the canting out of the two upper floors over the street in increasing degrees. This mega cornice creates a sense of enclosure over Southwark Street and also a focal point at the junction of Great Guildford Street and Southwark Street, where the two canted elevations meet to form an oblique angled corner.
The projected canopy supports large windows at first floor level, directly addressing the passer-by in the street and announcing the pulled-in entrance to the building. The building has become a visible expression of the potential for regeneration of the area, and with a bold, sculptural appearance and multicoloured windows announces its proximity to the creative aura of Tate Modern.