Alexander Roev
BArch(Hons) | MArch | RIBA
Alexander has over 10 years of practical UK experience working on a variety of projects spanning the residential, commercial and healthcare sectors.
Alexander is currently working on the delivery of 16 buildings (four retained and two listed) on the Jewellery Quarter development in Birmingham, prior to which he worked on Oaklands, the first major development to be approved by the Old Oak and Park Royal Corporation (OPDC) at Old Oak Common. Alexander’s other notable projects include detailed design services for Studio 144, Southampton’s New Arts at the heart of the city’s new cultural quarter development; Lyon Square, the residential led mixed-use scheme in Harrow; and Islington Square, a £370 million mixed-use development that sits behind the retained facade of the former Edwardian North London Royal Mail Sorting Office.
Alexander studied public and economic administration in Bulgaria, civil engineering and construction at Southbank University, and gained his BA (Honours) and MArch Architecture from South Bank University.
Alexander Roev
BArch(Hons) | MArch | RIBA
Alexander has over 10 years of practical UK experience working on a variety of projects spanning the residential, commercial and healthcare sectors.
Alexander is currently working on the delivery of 16 buildings (four retained and two listed) on the Jewellery Quarter development in Birmingham, prior to which he worked on Oaklands, the first major development to be approved by the Old Oak and Park Royal Corporation (OPDC) at Old Oak Common. Alexander’s other notable projects include detailed design services for Studio 144, Southampton’s New Arts at the heart of the city’s new cultural quarter development; Lyon Square, the residential led mixed-use scheme in Harrow; and Islington Square, a £370 million mixed-use development that sits behind the retained facade of the former Edwardian North London Royal Mail Sorting Office.
Alexander studied public and economic administration in Bulgaria, civil engineering and construction at Southbank University, and gained his BA (Honours) and MArch Architecture from South Bank University.